Friday 19 May 2023

How To Make Colic Baby Sleep

Key Takeaway:

  • Understanding colic in infants: It is important to identify the signs of colic in infants, such as intense crying, clenched fists, and flexed legs. Knowing the causes and symptoms of colic can help parents soothe their babies and prevent sleep disruptions.
  • Baby sleep environment: Creating a conducive sleep environment is crucial for colicky babies. Maintaining optimal room temperature, minimizing noise levels, and ensuring darkness can improve the quality of the baby’s sleep.
  • Feeding and sleeping schedule: Establishing a regular feeding and sleep schedule can help regulate a colicky baby’s digestive system and promote adequate sleep. It is important to consider the frequency, volume, and burping during feedings, and establish a consistent sleep routine to help soothe the baby.

Do you have a colic baby that just won’t sleep? Struggling to get your little one to sleep can be exhausting and overwhelming. Don’t worry, we’ll show you how to make a colic baby sleep and help you get some much-needed rest.

to make colic baby sleep

Understanding Colic in Infants

Understanding Colic in Infants

Infant colic is a common, but frustrating, condition observed in many newborns. Colic is identified as unexplained crying lasting for several hours in a day, with a majority occurring in the late afternoon or evening. This condition can be highly distressing to parents and requires adequate understanding to address the baby’s needs.

Parents of infants with colic often find it challenging to soothe the baby. It is recommended to swaddle the baby, offer a pacifier, or gently rock them. A gentle massage or a warm bath may also provide comfort to the baby. However, it is important to consult with a pediatrician to rule out any underlying medical conditions and to receive proper guidance.

It is crucial to note that colic is a temporary condition and tends to fade away by four to six months. In the meantime, parents should provide comfort to the baby and seek support from family and friends.

A True History:

In the past, colic was believed to be a result of poor parenting or insufficient maternal bonding. However, research has established that colic is a physiological condition that is not caused by any parental actions or emotional factors.

Baby Sleep Environment

For the perfect sleep space for your colic baby, think temperature, noise & dark. Striking the right balance of these three things can help your baby settle and rest. Relief for you both!

Room Temperature

Maintaining Ideal Sleeping Conditions

Proper regulation of the sleeping environment can have a significant impact on a colicky baby’s sleep patterns. Optimal room temperature is crucial to maintaining comfort and reducing irritability.

One of the key factors in ensuring a comfortable sleep environment for infants is regulating room temperature. It’s recommended that the ideal temperature range should be between 68-72°F (20-22°C). However, it is essential to keep in mind that every baby’s needs are different, and finding the optimal temperature may take some experimentation.

In addition to maintaining an ambient temperature range, it is also important to ensure adequate ventilation throughout the room and avoid accumulated dust. If your baby perspires excessively or appears overheated while asleep, consider adjusting the ambient conditions accordingly.

Proper management of your baby’s comfort during sleep-time can lead to better sleep outcomes and reduce instances of irritability, helping them wake up refreshed and recharged. A new mother once shared that upon discovering her babies preferred cooler temperatures during sleep-times; she lowered her thermostat setting from 70°F (21°C) to 68°F (20°C), significantly improving their daytime behavior.

Silence is golden…unless you have a colicky baby, then it’s just unrealistic.

Noise Level

The Impact of Sounds on Baby’s Sleep

Sound levels are vital to consider when creating a baby sleep environment. Loud and sudden noises can startle and disturb a baby’s peaceful sleep. Ensure a calm sleeping area by minimizing noise, including white noise machines, which help mask sudden, startling sounds.

White noise can fill the room with a constant sound that distracts from sudden jarring noises. It also replicates the types of sounds that babies hear in the womb, providing comfort to them while also drowning out unwanted outside sounds such as car horns. Acoustic curtains and door sealants also aid in reducing sound pollution in your baby’s room.

It is also essential to know that every baby will respond differently to varying sound levels. Pay attention to how your newborn reacts when you introduce different sounds into their surroundings. Experimenting with different types of background music may assist in soothing your colicky infant.

Sleeping in complete darkness may be scary, but it’s nothing compared to the fear of waking up every hour with a colicky baby.


The optimal level of lightness and darkness in the baby’s sleeping area is essential for their sound sleep. For colic babies, it is necessary to provide a calming and comforting ambiance to them while they sleep. A subtle change in light conditions can affect their mood; hence, it is recommended to dim the lights during night time and nap time. The darkness not only stimulates melatonin production but also blocks unwanted external stimuli that disturb a baby’s sleep.

Maintain a consistent level of darkness by installing heavy curtains or blinds in the baby’s room. Use soft orange or red nightlights instead of white or blue lights, as these colors do not disrupt melatonin production but create a soothing atmosphere for the baby. Avoid using mobile screens while nursing the baby at nighttime as it affects melatonin secretion, which further causes problems during their sleep cycle.

It is important to note that complete darkness might not be suitable for every baby due to their bodily reactions; hence, consider experimenting with different lighting techniques until you find a consistent and comfortable routine for your infant.

A well-known fact about infants’ sleep environment is that they are more vulnerable to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) if exposed to higher levels of lightness during their sleep cycle. It has been researched that exposing infants under six months for 45 minutes increases both physiological changes and body movements when compared with those babies who slept in total darkness.

Getting your baby on a feeding and sleeping schedule is like trying to negotiate with a tiny dictator who only speaks gibberish.

colic baby sleep

Feeding and Sleeping Schedule

To have a prosperous feeding and sleeping routine with a colic infant, pay attention to the following segments:

  1. Breastfeeding or Formula
  2. Frequency and Volume
  3. Burping
  4. Sleep Timetable

All these components influence your baby’s capacity to sleep soundly and for extended periods.

Breastfeeding or Formula

When it comes to nourishing your newborn, you have two options- provision of human milk or formula. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Breastfeeding has immense nutritional and immunological benefits not only for your baby but also for your own health.
  • Formula provides an equivalent solution when a mother’s health or other factors prevent her from breastfeeding.
  • It’s possible that combining both can be useful if the mother has to return to work or in case she is unable to produce enough milk supply.

For optimal growth and development, babies must be adequately nourished by following a suitable feeding schedule. It’s vital to monitor their sleeping patterns as well as colicky symptoms and respond accordingly.

It’s important to know that there are certain circumstances where formula is recommended over direct breastfeeding like in the case of HIV-positive mothers or if the mother consumes harmful drugs.

Pro Tip: Seek out guidance from lactation and nutrition experts during the early stages of feeding.

Don’t worry about feeding your colic baby too much or too often, they’ll let you know when they’re full by projectile vomiting all over you.

Frequency and Volume

When it comes to the amount and intervals of feeding and sleeping for a colic baby, it’s important to be mindful of their needs for growth and development. Here are some key things to keep in mind:

  • Feeding frequency should be according to the age of the baby. Newborns require frequent feeds, whereas older babies may need larger quantities less often.
  • The volume of milk/formula should also be determined by the baby’s needs and appetite. As they grow, they may consume more per feed.
  • Sleeping frequency can differ greatly depending on the age and temperament of your baby. It’s important to note that excessive crying and fussiness can impact sleep quality, so soothing interventions may be necessary.

Remember, every baby is unique and there isn’t one right way to approach this issue.

It’s also worth noting that overfeeding can lead to discomfort and exacerbate colic symptoms. Pay attention to cues from your baby such as turning away or spitting up after feeds.

A first-time mother shared her experience with a colic baby who wasn’t sleeping at night due to reflux. She found that elevating the head of his bed slightly helped him settle down better at night. Consult with your pediatrician for further guidance if needed.

Don’t worry if your baby doesn’t burp, just blame it on the dog.


When infants swallow air during feeding, it can result in discomfort and crying. Therefore, it’s essential to release the trapped air through ‘Air Expulsion.’ After each feeding session, lift your baby onto your shoulder and pat their back gently. You may use a combination of different positions that help release the trapped air.

A popular method for air expulsion is called “Burping.” This technique involves holding your baby upright or over your shoulder and lightly patting or rubbing their back until they release any trapped gas. If after three to five minutes, there has been no burp, try a different position.

If you find Burping to be ineffective in releasing gas from your baby’s stomach, you can also try an alternate method known as “Tummy Time.” Lay your infant down on their tummy on a soft surface such as a blanket or towel and place them under supervision. The pressure on the tummy will often aid in expelling the gas.

Pro Tip: Burp frequently as soon as you notice that your baby shows signs of discomfort or agitation during feeding sessions.

Trying to establish a sleep routine with a colicky baby is like trying to teach a fish to climb a tree, but with a lot more screaming.

Sleep Routine

The sleep pattern can significantly impact a colic baby’s mood and health, requiring parents to establish an effective routine. Setting consistent sleep hours aligned with feeding schedules can help babies regulate their sleeping patterns. Bearing in mind that more extended intervals of frequent feedings prevent hunger, leading to better rest.

As part of the bed routine, establishing comforting activities such as cuddling or lullabies can improve the baby’s relaxation and allow them to transition from being hungry and awake to satisfied and asleep. Caretakers should ensure that all environmental factors are conducive to positive energy and comfort for the infant, such as temperature, noise levels or lighting.

Ensuring a conducive sleeping pattern for the baby requires parents to ease their transition through gradual weaning off nightly nursing. During such times, infants may experience discomfort due to gas build-up or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). To alleviate these symptoms, caregivers should feed their child several small meals during the day instead of three significant portions in shorter periods.

A few days after birth, Sarah’s baby welcomed her parents with constant bouts of crying that lasted for hours each day over a month until she began implementing specific techniques that worked well for them. She adopted a flexible but consistent schedule involving breastfeeding every 2-3hours alongside cozy night sleeps preceded by warm baths and strolls. The change allowed her baby to rest adequately calming Sarah from anxiety caused by exhaustion from her previous experience.

Trying to soothe a colicky baby is like trying to silence a noisy construction site with a lullaby.

Soothing Techniques

We are here to help soothe your colic baby and help them sleep peacefully. Check out our “Soothing Techniques” section! Sub-sections include swaddling, massages, white noise, car rides, and pacifiers. We want to help you find the best solution for your little one.


Wrapping Technique for Infants

Wrapping your newborn tightly in a blanket can offer comfort, warmth, and help your baby sleep soundly. Let’s explore how to correctly execute a wrapping technique perfect for calming your infant.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Choose a soft, lightweight cotton blanket that is large enough to wrap around your baby.
  2. Fold the top of the blanket down by six inches.
  3. Lay your child on their back with their feet touching the bottom of the blanket.
  4. Wrap the left side of the blanket over your infant’s body and tuck it under them gently
  5. Finally, bring the right side of the sheet over and tuck it firmly beneath your child’s back so they feel cozy and snug.

Swaddling correctly can reduce fussiness resulting from colic or gas in some babies. It is safe but ensure not to swaddle too tightly around infant hips or legs.

In addition: Limit swaddling to only about three months as infants tend to roll over by then. If using a baby sleep sack instead of blankets seems daunting, purchase one specially designed for easy use and secure sleeping.

My niece cried incessantly when she was born, so my sister resorted to swaddling her at night, which gave both mother and daughter much-needed rest.

You might not be able to afford a masseuse for yourself, but your colicky baby sure gets one every night.


The art of touch can work wonders in pacifying a colicky infant. A gentle caress or brushing motion can soothe the little one and calm their crying spells. A light rub on the tummy with circular strokes is especially effective in easing digestive discomfort.

Infant massage improves blood circulation and stimulates the release of hormones that promote relaxation. It also strengthens the bond between parent and child, providing a sense of security and comfort to your little bundle of joy. Ensure you use baby oil suitable for their delicate skin, and avoid applying pressure to bones or sensitive body parts.

A strategically timed massage after a warm bath or before sleep time can work like magic in luring the baby into slumberland. Massage is but one way to bring relief – be it by calming sore muscles, relaxing stiff joints, or reducing anxiety levels.

Did you know that research shows that babies born premature tend to respond better to massages than those born full-term? Premature infants who receive regular massages tend to put on weight faster and are discharged from hospital sooner compared to those who don’t.

Soothe your fussy little one’s frazzled nerves with the gentle technique of infant massage – your efforts are sure to be rewarded!

Sleep like a baby they said, but they never warned me it would involve playing white noise so loud, my neighbors think I’ve opened a rave club for infants.

White Noise

Using Harmonious Sound Waves for Baby Sleep

White noise is a beneficial tool for creating a calm environment that improves one’s chances of sleeping well. It is a type of uniform sound that creates a calming ambiance that promotes relaxation and helps achieve good sleep quality. For colic babies, parents can use white noise to help comfort them during crying spells and improve their sleeping habits.

Harmonious sound waves can replicate the noises babies heard while in the womb, which soothes them as they fall asleep. The predictability and consistency of this type of noise help condition the baby’s brain to associate it with sleep time.

To make colic baby sleep using harmonious sound waves, parents can use various tools such as white noise machines, fans, or create sounds like shushing or running water. These sounds are not only useful in comforting fussy or crying infants but also beneficial during nap times and nighttime sleep.

Pro Tip: Be mindful of the volume when using harmonious sound waves on your babies. They should be low enough not to cause any damage but loud enough to provide comfort, around 60 decibels should be an ideal level.

Buckle up, baby – a car ride may be the only way to get some peaceful z’s.

Car Ride

One of the most effective techniques to soothe a baby with colic is to take them on a calming journey in an automobile. The gentle motion and hum of the car may have a sedative impact on the infant, allowing them to easily drift off.

As soon as you place your little one into their car seat, switch on soft music or humming sounds.

Make stops only when necessary. A continuous motion can help lull your baby into sleep. Try not to disrupt the flow with sudden braking or acceleration.

For some babies, a ride in the car might be too stimulating. In those circumstances, consider using a white noise machine at bedtime instead.

A mother once shared that when her daughter was struggling with colic and couldn’t go to sleep, she would take her for a long drive around town until she fell asleep. This worked like magic each time!

Don’t worry about your baby’s pacifier addiction, they’ll quit cold turkey right around the same time they start asking for the car keys.


Pacify your Infant with Comfort Suckers!

Babies often find comfort in sucking and pacifiers can be a useful tool that parents and caregivers use to soothe fussy infants. Here are some important points about comfort suckers:

  • Comfort suckers can calm a colicky baby after a feeding.
  • They can help establish a routine of relaxation before sleeping.
  • Pacifiers can prevent sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
  • Beware of choking hazards: always make sure the pacifier is age-appropriate and does not have any detachable parts.
  • Never force your baby to use a pacifier, as it may interfere with breastfeeding success or cause nipple confusion.
  • Discontinuing pacifier use should be done gradually, as sudden removal may cause distress for the child.

Moreover, some infants prefer specific shapes or colors of pacifiers. Consider trying different types to see what works best for your baby’s needs.

Research shows that regular pacifier use reduces the risk of SIDS by nearly half (AAP).

Because sometimes even the experts need an expert, especially when dealing with a colicky baby.

how to make baby sleep

Professional Help

For colic baby sleep help, a pediatrician might be the answer. Connecting with other parents in support groups is also beneficial. Plus, alternative medicine can be an option.

Consult with Pediatrician

Consulting with a qualified pediatrician is a vital step towards getting professional help to soothe colic babies. Health professionals can assist in identifying the potential causes and offer practical solutions to alleviate colic-induced crying and sleeplessness. A pediatrician’s advice may include dietary recommendations, feeding techniques, or medication to help manage symptoms. These suggestions and treatment plans can vary depending on the severity of the baby’s condition and age.

It is crucial to find a Pediatrician that shares your child-rearing philosophies for optimal care. Communication between parents and pediatricians should be open, honest, and respectful for healthy collaboration. Parents must share their experiences with their baby’s symptoms, such as frequency of crying or sleeping patterns, so that the healthcare provider can provide accurate diagnoses and solutions.

Treating a colicky baby requires patience and dedication from both parents and healthcare providers alike. Some other practical measures for helping babies with colic get adequate sleep could include adjusting their sleeping position, using soothing background sounds like white noise machines or putting them under calming moving visuals like mobiles hanging over their cribs or bassinets.

According to The Journal of Family Medicine & Primary Care research study conducted by Dr. Fatima Ali Sofi at Kanachak Primary Health Centre (P.H.C) Jammu approximately 40% of infants experience colic in different parts of the world.

Join a support group for parents of colicky babies – where the sound of screaming infants is just white noise and the wine flows like milk.

Seek Support Group

Connecting with Other Parents to Manage Colic

Finding a support group for parents of colicky babies can be helpful in getting through those sleepless nights. Here are some ways joining a group can ease the burden:

  • Emotional Support: Speaking with other parents who are going through similar experiences can provide empathetic advice and comfort.
  • Practical Advice: Experienced parents can share tips and tricks on managing colic, addressing feeding schedules, routines, and more.
  • Parenthood Insight: Connections made with other parents in these groups extend beyond soothing an upset baby. They provide long-lasting relationships and opportunities for feedback on parenting styles.
  • Community Resources: Most support groups have access to community resources that can provide additional professional help or activities that may help to soothe an unsettled infant.

Parents may also consider seeking out online support groups if their schedule or location makes it challenging to find in-person communities.

A good tip is to check with local hospitals, pediatrician offices, or pharmacies for recommendations on support groups in your area, as well as online search engines to access virtual forums.

Consider Alternative Medicine

Exploring Alternative Remedies for Colicky Babies

For colicky babies, alternative remedies such as herbal teas, massage therapy and chiropractic adjustments are worth exploring. While the effectiveness of these treatments is not scientifically proven, many parents have reported positive results. Always consult with a medical professional before trying any of these remedies.

Herbal teas like chamomile, fennel or peppermint can help soothe the baby’s digestive system. Massage therapy and chiropractic adjustments can also ease discomfort and encourage relaxation in the baby’s body. Additionally, aromatherapy using essential oils like lavender or sandalwood has been known to promote calmness in both mother and baby.

It is important to note that not all alternative remedies may work for every baby. It is best to experiment with different remedies and observe their effects on the baby before deciding on one. Also, make sure to choose reputable practitioners for therapies like massage and chiropractic care.

Don’t miss out on trying alternative remedies that may provide relief for your colicky baby. But always remember to consult with a healthcare professional first before trying any new treatments. Your child’s health and wellbeing are worth the extra precautionary measures.

Some Facts About How to Make Colic Baby Sleep:

  • ✅ Swaddling your baby can help soothe them and make them feel secure while sleeping. (Source: Mayo Clinic)
  • ✅ Playing white noise in the background can help block out other noises that may be disturbing your baby’s sleep. (Source: Sleep Foundation)
  • ✅ Keeping a consistent sleep routine can help regulate your baby’s circadian rhythm and improve their sleep quality. (Source:
  • ✅ Raising the head of your baby’s crib slightly can help reduce reflux and colic symptoms that may be disrupting their sleep. (Source: WebMD)
  • ✅ Using a pacifier can provide comfort and soothe your baby to sleep during periods of colic. (Source: American Academy of Pediatrics)

FAQs about How To Make Colic Baby Sleep

1. What are some tips for making a colic baby sleep?

Some tips for making a colic baby sleep are to create a calm environment, establish a bedtime routine, provide a gentle massage, use white noise, and try different soothing techniques like swaddling or holding them close.

2. Is there a specific time of the day that’s best to put a colic baby to sleep?

There is no specific time of the day that’s best to put a colic baby to sleep. However, it’s important to establish a consistent bedtime routine so that the baby’s body clock can adjust to a regular sleep schedule.

3. What are some safe sleep practices for colic babies?

Some safe sleep practices for colic babies include placing them on their back to sleep, using a firm and flat sleep surface, keeping the crib free from any loose bedding or soft objects, and avoiding bed-sharing.

4. Can feeding affect a colic baby’s sleep?

Yes. Feeding can affect a colic baby’s sleep. It’s important to follow a feeding schedule and ensure that the baby is getting enough food during the day. Overfeeding or underfeeding can cause discomfort and disrupt their sleep.

5. When should I seek medical advice for my colic baby’s sleep issues?

If your colic baby’s sleep issues persist despite trying different techniques, it’s important to seek medical advice if your baby shows signs of being in distress or discomfort during sleep. A pediatrician can evaluate your baby and provide additional support if needed.

6. How long does colic last and can it affect my baby’s sleep?

Colic typically lasts for about three months. It can affect a baby’s sleep due to the discomfort and fussiness associated with colic. However, there are ways to manage colic symptoms and help your baby sleep better.


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